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In Berlin, the new generation needs a wide cross. Old men, sensitivities, approval

25. International Kids Tour Berlin, 4th. Stage,📷 Arne Mll | frontalvision |  28.internationale kids-tour | internationale kids-tour Berlin | BPC BerlinProCycling UG | KELLER Paul - FUCHS Carolina - KUBINA Lisa-Marie - BÄßLER Benedikt ( GER ) – Team Oberbayern – Teampresentation - Querformat - quer - horizontal - Landscape - Event/Veranstaltung: 25. Internationale Kids Tour – Stage 4 - Category/Kategorie: Cycling - Road Cycling – Cycling Tour – Road Race ( RR ) – U15 - Location/Ort: Europe - Germany – Berlin – Marzahn – Start & Finish: Berlin Marzahn - Distance: 40 km U15 - Date/Datum: 27.08.2017 – Sunday - Photographer: © Arne Mill -
25. International Kids Tour Berlin, 4th. Stage,📷 Arne Mll | frontalvision

„Instead of creating out of values, blocking is done out of sensitivities."*

From us, you're good to go: Start for our currently just under 40 cycling teams. However, they currently need a wide cross for the old men initiated sensitivities and the blockade of the Berlin Cycling Federation | Berliner Radsport Verband.

Dear friends of the kids-tour,

today again a small stand to the preparations of the 28th international kids-tour, the original as I must add now again and again. Because not always where Nutella is on it is also Nutella in it. I just don't know quite how to start: So I work off publicly what is close to my heart.

The status

I can say that despite the delay, our preparations are progressing well. As expected, the registrations I have received do not correspond to the status for 2019, but the kids-tour is well staffed internationally.

The 1st and 4th stages have been approved and are therefore safe. Approvals for the 2nd and 3rd stage are currently being processed. Many thanks at this point to the Landesbetrieb Straßenwesen Brandenburg. As always, the cooperation with Section 33 of the Berlin police in Marzahn is particularly commendable. All this does not come by chance, but has to do with the good execution of the last years.

The medals, which are so important for our children, are on their way to Berlin, and most of the infrastructure has already been provided. Toilets have been ordered, waste disposal has been commissioned, jerseys have been ordered, and so on and so forth. So we are up to date. Mind you WE, the Orga- Team.

ROKS Axel ( NED ) – Team Netherlands – After Race - Querformat - quer - horizontal - Landscape - Event/Veranstaltung: 25. Internationale Kids Tour – Stage 4 - Category/Kategorie: Cycling - Road Cycling – Cycling Tour – Road Race ( RR ) – U13 – Location/Ort: Europe - Germany – Berlin – Marzahn – Start & Finish: Berlin Marzahn - Distance: 24 km U13 – Date/Datum: 27.08.2017 – Sunday - Photographer: © Arne Mill -
Axel Roks – Team Netherlands 2017 📷 Arne Mll | frontalvision

Dear adults, dear BRV and dear BDR- what child do you want to explain her and this behavior, how to justify?

Should not we do everything for this photo?

Bogus problems and challenges

The Berlin cycling federation with president Claudiu Ciurea and "road specialist" Jörg Wittmann seem to be so busy with their many new projects that for months they have also continued to neglect Berlin's only and last traditional race, and that too is a tradition. Their new website, a new logo and a lot of loud ballyhoo give this impression. Their daily business remains deliberately not only lying, the tradition event kids-tour is deliberately torpedoed. My communication with the BRV has been monosyllabic for 8 weeks. The demand: I have to switch off this Internet side to prevent any reference to the kids tour, then perhaps..... oh yes?

Mediation, Schlichtung, Rechthaberei und Kompetenzüberschreitung

The German Cyclists' Federation has a different view. It was called in by Sina Päske and me among other things with vice-president Günter Schabel, coordinator road Dr. Peter Pagels, Ulrich Müller | rad-net GmbH and and as Mediatior. I am not the only one who sees mediation as a cooperative solution to the conflict. Through structured negotiations with the help of the BDR, we could have worked out an agreement together that meets the needs and interests of the children and then all of us. Unfortunately, to the astonishment of the BDR, neither President Ciurea nor "road expert" Wittmann share this view.

I hear excess of competence and vanity, there is talk of sensitivities and egocentric behavior. I say distortion of competition, some old men obviously do not want competition. And I add, deception: because while for a long time there was talk of a kids-tour at the BRV, this is now called youngster-race. Yes, what now, Mr. President, also applies to you: Where Nutella is on it, there should also be Nutella in it.

By the way, the BDR's own plausibility check as well as by its register Rad-Net has been completed positively. This is also in accordance with the BRV statutes: "Decisive for the implementation of events and for sporting activities are the sporting regulations and the competition regulations of the BDR". I have complied with this. Accordingly, the tour is to be approved, but it is not.

"Sounds funny - but that's how it is" (Peter Lustig)." So our tender is not approved by the "road specialist" Wittmann because of which serious reasons? Are these reasons based on the sport regulations or rather on the style of the BRV? And are possible reasons suitable to prevent an international stage ride for children?

" Wenn Du nicht mehr weiter weisst, bilde einen Arbeitskreis"

Dies soll nun in dieser Woche geschehen. In einer spetakulären Vorstandsrunde werden wohl dann weniger die Sachargumente zu Gunsten der Kinder priorisiert als vielmehr die vom BDR zitierten Befindlichkeiten. Man kann nur hoffen, das nicht nur Ahnungslose, Trostlose, Treulose und andere Lose in diesem Kreis sind, sonst dauert die Freigabe wohl noch länger. Oder sollte man es eher Verhinderung um jeden Preis nennen? Wer weiß,

die Wege des Herren sind unergründlich, wie die Denk- und Handlungsweise einiger im Berliner Verband. Ich bitte alle nationalen und internationalen Gäste für den Vorstand des Berliner Radsportverbandes der Sportmetropole Berlin weiter um Geduld.

"If you are stuck, form a working group".

This is now to happen this week. In a spetacular board round then probably less the factual arguments in favor of the children are prioritized than rather the sensitivities quoted by the BDR. One can hope only that not only clueless ones, comfortless ones, faithless ones and other lots are in this circle, otherwise the release lasts probably still longer. Or should one call it rather prevention at any price? Who knows,

the ways of the Lord are unfathomable, like the way of thinking and acting of some in the Berlin association. I ask all national and international guests for the board of the Berlin cycling federation of the sports metropolis Berlin further for patience.

So for the time being, the arms remain a little lower than those of the young athlete in the picture.

I still have one:

Team standings today

  • 18 teams U13

  • 15 teams U15 male

  • 6 teams U15 female

Your Michael Lemke.

Competence comes to competence.

*Bernd Liske (*1956), Entrepreneur from Saxony-Anhalt



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