The kids-tour is unique worldwide. Top riders from Serbia will take part for the first time. Great Britain will also participate, as well the Netherlands, Belgium and German teams. The oldest active cycling race in Berlin is becoming more colourful, more diverse and more international - a highlight in Berlin and Europe.

Less than four weeks ago, digital registration opened. There has never been this response at this early stage. For me, it is the best proof that we are all doing the right thing, that the kids-tour is on the right track. And right, the whole team sees a lot of room for improvement!
With Serbia we have a newcomer. That's great! Three kingdoms are at the start. The United Kingdom of Great Britain is back at the start after 2018. The kingdoms of Belgium and the Netherlands have secured starting places. And the first German team is also visiting Berlin. Therefore, I draw a very positive first balance.
The tasks grow with the demands. Our organising team is focusing on the 30th anniversary. An anniversary that brings news without forgetting the roots. With Odin Reinhardt, the organising team has gained reinforcements, an excellent event manager. That is a great relief for me. I'm concentrating more on the sporting part again. In addition, my boys from the Junior National League team need me.
Our tasks are now more broadly distributed and responsible. We are getting better! There is a regular meeting on Tuesdays.
The kids-tour is becoming more professional. And this is entirely in the spirit of Berlin as a sports metropolis. Berlin can also offer top international sport in the youth sector, including cycling. After years of neglect, I am very happy about this development.
As Sports Director, I invite you to the
Anniversary Tour 24.08.- 27.08.23 .
Registration is done digitally
thanks to the support of astendo | eventmanager
The kids-tour is registered with the Federation of German Cyclists BDR and Berlin Cycling Federation. Approval was announced at short notice on 27.04.23. The board of commissioners is complete.
Brands of the Berlin cycling club Wheel Divas e.V.
Berlin Women's Cycling | Wheel Divas Cycling Team
Berlin Junior Cycling Wheel Devils Cycling Team
kids-tour Berlin.
This post was published with the kind support of: Fabienne Kid's Living Kindermöbel Berlin Children's beds, baby beds, children's desks and more - on the internet or in the shop at Senefelderstrasse 3.