Wheel races and fat-tyre races as part of the kids-tour programme.
As in previous years, the organising team has decided to include a wheel race and a fat tyre race for our kids in the supporting programme. The races have been registered under Fette-Reifen-Rennen (fettereifenrennen.de). The non-cash prizes are kindly provided by the makers of the Fat Tyre Races.
Two races are offered on two stages: Once between the 2nd and 3rd stage and during the 4th stage.
The 2nd and 3rd stage will take place in Willmersdorf near Werneuchen. Not only kids from the Willmersdorf-Schönfeld-Weesow area can start there, but also siblings of the kids-tour starters travelling with them.
The 4th stage will take place in Marzahn-Hellersdorf and will be accompanied by a second fat tyre and wheel race.
Registration is already open at orga@kids-tour-berlin.de stating name and year of birth and date of participation.
More information about the races will follow soon.